Re: hypermedia

From: Nellie Killian (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Mar 31 2010 - 09:59:31 PDT

Yuri Tsivian made a really interesting CD-Rom on pre-revolutionary Russian
cinema called Immaterial Bodies. It would make a great website, or a great
resource for someone looking to build the type of interactive site you are
talking about.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Myron Ort <email suppressed> wrote:

> My brilliant friend Kevin Moore does just this in his online musicology,
> providing mp3 files of the musical examples he is discussing:
> Like you suggest, it would be great to do something like this with film
> criticism.
> Myron Ort
> On Mar 31, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Gene Youngblood wrote:
> Frameworkers,
> Is anyone aware of a film criticism (or film analysis) website where text
> is augmented with links to clips that illustrate the text. You are reading
> an online analysis of Potemkin. Click on the word "montage" and it shows you
> the sequence that is being analyzed. You can repeat the clip, slow it down,
> freeze it, zoom in on a detail.
> Alternatively, are there DVDs that do this, either interactively or as a
> fixed mode of analysis and explication? The professor is lecturing in a
> classroom, or the critic is featured in a documentary, and their voices
> carry over clips of what they're talking about, with the same possibilites
> of repeat, slow, freeze and detail.
> It would be nice, for example, if Criterion's Brakhage releases featured
> someone like Fred Camper analyzing Stan's complex phrasings, rhymes, etc. in
> this manner.
> Gene Youngblood
> 28 Sunrise Road
> Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507 USA
> vox/fax: +1.505.424.8708
> email suppressed
> __________________________________________________________________ For info
> on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
> __________________________________________________________________ For info
> on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

Nellie Killian
Migrating Forms
PO Box 1072
Cooper Station
New York, NY 10276
347 834 7738
2nd annual Migrating Forms Festival
May 14-23, 2010
at Anthology Film Archives, New York
Regular Deadline: Febuary 15, 2010
Late Deadline: March 15, 2010
Full guidelines and instructions on how to submit:
An annual, ten-day festival dedicated to new experimental film and video,
Migrating Forms grew out of the New York Underground Film Festival, which
ended in April 2008. Led by the former directors and programmers of NYUFF,
Migrating Forms continues the tradition of presenting the best new
experimental cinema and visual arts film/video each Spring at New York's
historic Anthology Film Archives.  Last year's inaugural festival featured
new work by Stephanie Barber, Phil Collins, Barry Doupe, Bradley Eros, Kevin
Jerome Everson, Jim Finn, Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Michael Gitlin, Barbara
Hammer, Susan Hiller, Owen Land, Oliver Laric, Jeanne Liotta, Josephine
Meckseper, Pavel Medvedev, Shana Moulton, Pat O'Neil, Lucy Raven, Ben
Rivers, Michael Robinson, Amie Siegel, John Smith, Naomi Uman, Erika Vogt,
and many more.  A full listing for filmmakers is available at
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.