Re: super 8 pinholes

From: miriam jayne martins sampaio (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Feb 24 2010 - 00:49:03 PST

I would to THANK everyone who responded to my email about 16mm pinhole filmmaking! I did not think one can use super 8? that would be better for me!!!
again thanks very much!!

ps. if anyone is in Portugal i know someone who transfers super 8 to video and he is pretty great! his name is laurent simoes
email suppressed

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 03:48:21 +0000
From: email suppressed
Subject: Re: super 8 pinholes
To: email suppressed

> i have heard of using super 8 by taking a cartridge, placing the pinhole over the film and turning it with a melted pin cap. never did it through. Has anyone on frameworks?

the following info was brought to my attention by lindsey lodhie.




Basic Pinhole Instructions: (please supplement with your own research)

Crank should be on the left side w/ the film label on the right. Turn crank clockwise to advance. Each cartridge has 50ft and should release tension when finished.
1 full revolution (one turn of the crank)= 46 frames (approximately)
If you were to advance the film at 1 revolution per second, your shutter speed would be 1/46 of a second and projected at 18fps (standard super 8 speed) your footage would appear to be 2.5 times slower than normal speed.
If you wish to crank at "normal" speed you should advance at approximately 1/2 revolution per second.
Remember that there's no shutter to either mask the motion of the film (producing motion blur) or block out part of the exposure time.
Your fps will give you an effective shutter speed of 1/(fps)- for example 50fps will give you a shutter speed of 1/50 of a second.
Using an analogue light meter, you should set your dial according to your footcandles as usual, but reference your f-stop first in order to determine your shutter. This is the opposite of how you normally use a light meter. Referencing the washer-fstop guide below, find your fixed aperture and the corresponding shutterspeed. If, for example, your shutter speed says 1/125 of a second, you'll know to crank at a rate of 125 frames per second (about 3 revolutions per second).
The easiest subjects to expose will probably be those with extremes of exposure (like a sunlit window in a dark room) because chances are, you'll expose some part of the image semi correctly.
Keep in mind that nothing in pinhole filmmaking is exact and you should use this information to give you a good sense of your basic shooting parameters.
(Also, if you're interested, you can try making pinhole lenses for the bolex using a similar method.)

Aperture Guide:
1 washer= f/3.33

2 washers= f/7.9
3 washers= f/10.59
4 washers= f/15.9
5 washers= f/21.1
6 washers= f/26.5

Article from "AfterImage" about pinhole filmmaking:
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.