par massimo pistone

From: massimo pistone (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 19 2010 - 23:39:34 PST

regulations and participation form




The Cultural Association ZAC and Link Campus University of Malta announces the INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACT CINEMA EXHIBITION (ABSTRACTA) in ROME. Purpose of the exhibition is to offer an opportunity of meeting and exchange of experience to the authors of abstract cinema and a possibility for the public to see the works.
ABSTRACTA is addressed to the authors, from all over the world.
Director of the Exhibition Massimo Pistone
1. The Cultural Association ZAC and Link Campus University of Malta organizes in Rome the INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACT CINEMA EXHIBITION (ABSTRACTA).
2. The participation does not require any cost of registration.
3. Authors are responsible of the content of works.
4. The event will be carried out in Rome in 2010. Place and dates will be communicated lately.
5. Audiovisual works are admitted to the exhibition as long as abstract. The works should preferably be contained within 5 minutes.
6. Copy of the work, together with the application form, compiled and signed, will have to reach
Associazione ZAC - C.P. 11/273 UP Montesacro 00141 Roma, within june 30 2010.
7. The works, despite the original format used, have to be sent in DVD Pal 2 copy. Whit the works, the author can send images drawn from films, for the publication. The submitted copies won’t be returned. Shipment expenses are on charge with the participant.
8. A phase of selection of the works is previewed, at unquestionable judgment of the jury of selection. The jury will judge also on the abstract or not of the work.
9. The Zac Association reserves the right to use the works for didactic, cultural projections and to distribution in digital channels, no profit, under expressed authorization of the holders of the rights.
10. The organization of the ABSTRACTA does not assume responsibility for eventual thefts or damages to the audiovisual works.
11. The participation to the exhibition (ABSTRACTA) implies the integral acceptance of the present regulations.
Author’s data
Name and last name
Short personal presentation
Work’s data
Year of realization
Short presentation of the work

The registration to the exhibition (ABSTRACTA) implies the acceptance of the regulations in all it’s leaves, the authorization to the public vision for which the author will not perceive compensations or rights of some nature and to no title it, and the exactitude of all the demanded information.
Date............................... Signature of the author.......................................

DLg 30/06/2003 n. 196 guarantee that the treatment of the personal data is carried out in the respect of the rights, of the fundamental freedoms, let alone of the dignity of the physical persons with particular reference to the confidentiality and the personal identity. To the senses of the Art. 13 and in relation to the personal data of which to the present, we inform of how much follows and, if it thinks it opportune, it will authorize us to that of which to successive point 7:
1. The treatment to which the personal data will be subordinates common demands is of to introduce or modernizing them in our data banks for being able to insert them in the lists that will be predisposed and in order to supply them eventual information on analogous manifestations or other asset from organized promoted we and/or.
2. The treatment will be carried out in the respect of the limits and of the conditions you mail from the art. 11 of the DLg n. 196/2003 and the operations or complex of operations previewed from the art will comprise all. 4, codicil 1 letter to) of the DLg n. 196/2003. The data will be communicate to the subjects to which the communication to you are previewed for law, in particular will be circulate to means print, , through the Radio/TV.
3. The bestowal of the relative data you to the treatment has optional nature.
4. Eventual partial or the total refusal to answer will involve from part ours the impossibility of being able to insert it in the lists and of being able to show the work in the extension.
5. To the interested one from treatment in examination the exercise of the rights is recognized of which to the Art. 7 of the DLg n. 196/2003
6, Appointed of the data treatment is the Zac Association
A. The undersigned................................................... in relation to the informative one and to how much over, she expresses the consent previewed from the art. 23 of the DLg n. 196/2003, to the treatment of the personal data from part of the Zac Association, let alone the consent to the communication and the shipment (also to the foreign country) of the same data.
B. Moreover the free undersigned the Zac association from every responsibility and whichever kind of claim from part of anyone takes to part to the work introduced to the International Abstract Cinema Exhibition in Rome in the case it comes projected in public.
C. The been born resident and grant the release for the public projection in the within of the Exhibition, for the recording, eventual transmissions and projections to didactic, cultural scope and to distribution in digital channels, no profit, of the own work from the title it ……………….. ............................... (signature).
D. Moreover the undersigned with the company that follows he attests that the audiovisual works are free from ties and can be used in the way indicated in the regulations.
Place and date...............................
(signature) .....................................

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.