Urban Research Do. 05.11. im Medienhaus Hannover

From: Klaus W. Eisenlohr (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Nov 03 2009 - 15:56:53 PST

Urban Research
presented by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Thursday, 05 Nov. 2009

Medienhaus Hannover e.V.
Schwarzer Bär 6
30449 Hannover

0511-441 440

Klaus W. Eisenlohr, artist and filmmaker in Berlin, former Cast & Cut
fellow in Hannover, presents a selection of his curated program
"Urban Research". The selection comprises films from France, USA,
Mexiko, Hungary, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom and Chile. Artists
who explore the relations between built and social space use
different forms of experimental and documentary film to express their
concerns and views of public space in the city they live in, or in
foreign countries. Different forms of close-up documentation or
personal alienation to the places give ideas on how space is being
used and transformed in contemporary cities. A multi-faceted show
with both witty and subversive perspectives on urban architecture.

Urban Research is a special, themed program at Directors Lounge art
media festival. Urban Research selections have been shown in St.
Petersburg, London, Freiburg, Poznan, Dordrecht and Berlin.

more infos and images:

(Deutscher Text)
Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Künstler und Filmemacher in Berlin, Cast & Cut
Stipendiat in Hannover zeigt eine Auswahl des Programmes “Urban
Research". Die Auswahl enthält Filme von Künstlern, die sich mit
urbanen Räumen auseinandersetzen, und mit den Beziehungen von
gebautem und sozialem Raum. Urban Research ist seit 3 Jahren Teil der
Directors Lounge und wurde bisher u.a. in St. Petersburg, London,
Freiburg und Dordrecht präsentiert.

Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin, Germany
email:			email suppressed
and film production: 		http://www.richfilm.de
phone:			int.- 49 - 30 - 3409 5343 (BERLIN)
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.