Re: burying film

From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Oct 31 2009 - 15:20:52 PDT

I was just joking around. I am excited to try the technique myself
and am learning here as we speak.

On Oct 31, 2009, at 1:27 PM, JEFFREY PAULL wrote:

> Myron, put a sock on it, already!
> JP
> On Sat 31/10/09 12:43 , Myron Ort email suppressed sent:
>> Which Film School or University department would be the best for
>> learning and eventually becoming a master of this "film burying"
>> approach to the art? Who today are universally considered the
>> masters and who were their teachers? How long does it take to learn?
>> I already own several very good shovels, a hoe, and a rake. I need a
>> better garden hose though. Other than that, I am ready to apply
>> myself.
>> mo
>> On Oct 30, 2009, at 10:47 PM, Jeanne LIOTTA wrote:
>>> Many moons ago I had buried a variety of film materials
>> with images
>>> on them in my new community garden plot in NYC.
>> Filmmaker Jurgen
>>> Reble, formerly of Schmelzdahin, happened to be in town
>> and we
>>> walked over to my garden on Ave B on a lovely afternoon
>> to un-bury
>>> it. But there were no images left! They'd been buried
>> for about 4
>>> weeks , early springtime. Jurgen nodded sadly and said,
>> Yes, Nature
>>> is a sledgehammer.
>> om/zerojeanli
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>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at (address suppressed)
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.