Bruce Baillie DVD Package: Volume Two - Release is approaching...

From: Lauren Sorensen (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Oct 01 2009 - 16:55:20 PDT

Hello all,

A note to inform you that Canyon Cinema will be distributing
exclusively the new Bruce Baillie Volume Two DVD, which features
Quixote and Here I Am, for $50 for individual use and $300 for

Please contact Canyon Cinema at <email suppressed> or by phone at
415-626-2255 to reserve a copy. We expect the DVDs to arrive from
press within the coming week.

The first edition of Bruce Baillie Volume One DVD (which includes
Tung, Mass for the Dakota Sioux, Valentin de las Sierras, Castro
Street, and All My Life) has sold out, and we are expecting the second
edition (with a new cover, the Red Rose) to arrive near the end of

We are also still accepting bids on the no. 1, signed, gold DVD set,
which includes bonus footage from Baillie's personal archive as well
as the films featured in the Volume One set.

Thanks for your support.


Lauren Sorensen
Canyon Cinema
email suppressed

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.