Re: Bolex light leaks

From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Jul 20 2009 - 09:41:19 PDT

Does this model have the variable shutter? Are you aware of the I/T
lever for "instant" and "time" exposures?

Myron Ort

On Jul 20, 2009, at 1:19 AM, Veronica Ibarra wrote:

> Thank you so much everyone for your incredibly useful and
> thoughtful replies.
> I will run some tests taking the info into account.
> More details:
> I had never used this camera before.
> I have hand-processed 2 100 ft rolls so far. Shot and processed at
> different times and at different places. Using 2 different Lomo
> tanks. I know that at least one of the tanks is used by other
> people without any trouble. I loaded and processed my partners film
> (shot using his Bolex)exactly the same way and with the same tank
> and his fim was just fine.
> I don't think I loaded them in total darkness though as they are
> "daylight" spools. I didn't leave the film on a table or anything
> like that. I just took it out of box, and with the changing bag on
> top of me and just wnough light to see a bit what I was doing, I
> loaded it.
> The second roll I taped all around camera. Maybe not perfectly
> though. The problem is even worse. It was a sunnier day. Maybe
> light gets in through viewfinder?
> I think there is also a general light fogging on most of the film.
> The light leak goes all across the film, not only within the frames.
> they change on length and frecuency, but normally cover the hole
> frames. There is a sprocket hole shaped black square next to the
> real sprocket holes.
> The very edge of the film is often black as well, this might be due
> to not loading it in darkness, I guess.
> The camera has the 2 screws on the turret lens base. The filter
> holder is in place. The shutter lever is locked in place.
> If I cannot solve it then I will take camera to get repaired. Maybe
> is the shutter, as suggested.
> TESTS I will make
> 10 secs each
> I will load-/unload camera inside changing bag, in the darkroom.
> 1- Shoot with eye really stuck to the viewfinder piece.
> 2- Shoot with viewfinder closed.
> 2- shoot for a few seconds with Bolex within changing bag. Only
> lens will be out of bag.
> if still giving problems after 3:
> 4- Process film covering lomo tank with thick black bin liner.
> if still problem
> 5- process film by lab
> Do you have any ideas of how I could improve my experiments?
> Thanks again to everyone, it is nice to know that people can be so
> nice and helpful.
> I'll let you know the outcome.
> Veronica
> PS. For David Woods. Thanks for your comments :) don't worry. My
> images will look just as nackered and distressed without the light
> flashes. That's how I like them!
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.