Re: in lieu of Cameras for Gaza

From: Chris Kennedy (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jan 11 2009 - 18:09:55 PST

On 1/11/09 3:16 PM, "FRAMEWORKS automatic digest system"
<email suppressed> wrote:

> amen.  i too signed up to this list to connect with like-minded thinkers in
> the area of art and film.  there are other blogs in which to discuss the
> middle east crisis.  and thanks to all who have reiterated this point.

Damn that Godard for always having to go and mention the Vietnam war. Oh,
and that Derek Jarman for talking about AIDS so much.

I know I did protest the discussion around Obama buttons earlier (not having
subscribed to the experimental buttons discussion list), but I do think the
large argument around Gaza is legit, especially since it sprung from an
appeal for cameras for Gaza and has evolved into a discussion that is very
clearly about point of view, which often circumvents the image completely (I
think that Malgosia and I would look at the very same image very
differently, as I see differently from people who come from a similar
³Christian guilt complex² upbringing as me, like Canada¹s National Post and
Conservative ruling party, which very much supports Israel in this one).

My first pithy 50 word one-liner fortunately died the death of an incorrect
email address, but I do think after wading through some pretty reactionary
(on both sides) blather, there has been a couple of interesting posts that
have emerged from this, including an important one as too whether cinema can
change minds and how one constructs debate (this being a textual one about
visual forms).

There are always flame-wars on this list. Why shouldn¹t there be, specially
when there are world events that shape how some of us do our work? I
disagree that we¹re even ³like-minded thinkers in the area of art and film²
(witness a recent 8mm/Super 8 fight)? Could someone explain to me why
experimental filmmakers, of all people, SHOULD get along?

Admittedly, my main reference point for the current Gaza crisis isn¹t an
experimental film. It¹s ³Wag the Dog².


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.