Re: Nightmare!

From: Ken Bawcom (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jul 27 2008 - 18:38:17 PDT

Back a dozen or so years ago, when we on the Ann Arbor Film Festival
screening committee watched every entry in its entirety, we would
screen for 5-6 hours a night, 5-6 nights a week, for 6 or more weeks.
After a few weeks of that, I would find that most of my dreams that
were composed of bits of the films I had seen in screening. Happily it
wore off, after a few years.

As a teen, I often had dreams that were totally abstract, and rarely
had dreams with recognizable images. I'm not sure what to attribute
that to, perhaps too much science fiction?

In my early 20s, I read Carlos Castaneda, and learned to be aware in
my dreams, and take control of them when I wanted to. I often had
dreams within dreams, but never had nightmares again.

Soon after that, as I was trying to be a painter, I decided it would
be helpful to try and think/conceptualize visually, not verbally.
Trying to go a few hours, let alone days, without thinking using
words, but using mental images instead, is rather difficult to master.
I never did entirely, but I did get to the point where my dreams no
longer included dialog, and my internal 'dialog' while walking down
the street was non-verbal.

And, I have definitely had dreams that looked hand painted, and
tinted. But, now days, I rarely remember my dreams. They're probably
too ordinary...

Ken B.

Quoting Myron Ort <email suppressed>:

> I have definitely had dreams which ran off the projector, "black and
> white" dreams, dreams with scratches in the emulsion, dreams with
> visible splices and other indicators that came from the world of film.
> Surprisingly though, I cannot recall dreams which seemed "hand
> painted" or tinted or even dreams with what might be called
> "abstract" imagery. Something to look forward to.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

"Those who would give up essential liberty
to purchase a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty, nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin 1775

"I know that the hypnotized never lie... Do ya?"
Pete Townshend 1971

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.