sad news

From: zryd (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Mar 26 2008 - 17:25:45 PDT

I am forwarding this message from Jonathan Kahana. Writer and
filmmaker Paul Arthur was a friend and colleague to many of us. The
announcement below is from Richard Allen, the Chair of New York
University Cinema Studies, Paul's alma mater. - MZ
Hello, all -

The chair of my department sent around this sad and surprising
message yesterday about Paul Arthur. Many on this list will already
have heard this awful news, I think; apologies for dropping it on
anyone who hasn't.


> From: Richard Allen <email suppressed>
> Date: March 25, 2008 4:02:59 PM EDT
> Subject: Our friend and colleague Paul Arthur
> It is with much regret I announce that after a recent and short-
> lived struggle with cancer – Scholar, Professor, Alum, Colleague
> and Friend Paul Arthur has passed away at the age of 61. Paul was a
> 1985 doctoral graduate of our department and everyone is familiar
> with his groundbreaking dissertation, Shadows on the Mirror: Film
> Noir and Cold War America, 1945 – 1957 which he completed with
> distinction under the guidance of advisor Annette Michelson. Paul
> was a Professor in the Department of English at Montclair State
> University and co-editor of Millennium Film Journal. He was the
> author of A Line of Sight: American Avant-Garde since 1965 as well
> as a frequent contributor to journals such as Cineaste and Film
> Comment. Paul was a frequent guest and adjunct faculty member in
> our department during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, and he was
> much loved by his students. I’m sure all of you share in my
> sadness in the loss of Paul as a friend, former student, and
> colleague, and for the field of Cinema Studies. Paul was a
> physically robost man who stood tall, let us all remember him in
> his prime.

Michael Zryd
Associate Professor
York University
Department of Film, CFT 223
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 CANADA
email suppressed
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.