Re: scholarship: new & exciting

From: Freya (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2007 - 21:03:56 PDT

I am broke, but I'm likely to be much more than broke
in the near future sadly. Just the way it is now.

I don't actually have to sneak into a university in
theory. The trouble is that there are only a very
limited number of books available and they are
permanently on loan. I tried to place holds on a
number of them at various points over the last couple
of years to no avail.

In addition the books are all quite old. None of the
modern texts we are discussing here are available or
likely to be so in a short time frame. I've largely
given up on that avenue now. Theres just no time left
to mess with it anymore.

I might try to get books through the central library
or through other contacts but given my situation, I'm
almost certainly going to have to buy at least some of
them, which is making me consider writing about Weimer
cinema instead as the texts will be cheaper, more
available and in greater quantity.

Anyway I guess the books are cheap really. I'm just
looking around to see where I can cut corners or make
compromises this time around, and ultimately you can
always get more money, it's just a matter of what you
are prepared to do to get it.

I'm just a bit loathed to pump too much money into the
whole university thing as it seems like it's likely to
be a lost cause at this point and I should really be
focussing on making a fresh start.



--- Jack Sargeant <email suppressed> wrote:

> hmmmmmmmm.......
> for histories i'd suggest people read duncan
> reekie's book SUBVERSION
> which is out soon (details below)
> freya, if you're broke (i know the feeling!) order
> it from your local
> library, or sneak into a local university library
> and read it there....
> jack
> The Definitive History of Underground Cinema
> Duncan Reekie
> Subversion is the first complete history of
> underground cinema,
> tracing the hidden life of subterranean filmmaking
> from its pre-
> history of Bohemian cabaret through the early
> cinematic avant-gardes
> of the 1920s to the worldwide blossoming of
> microcinema festivals in
> the 1990s. Part cultural history, part radical
> polemic, Subversion
> provides historic background and social context to
> such influential
> yet rarely discussed scenes such as the London Film
> Makers Collective
> of the 1960s, the New York Cinema of Transgression
> of the 1980s and
> the New London Undergound of the 1990s, plus
> original research into
> the world of amateur ciné culture from the 1930s
> onwards.
> Contextualising these movements within a broader
> historical and
> theoretical background of experimental media, and
> locating
> underground cinema as a popular and radical
> subculture distinct from
> both mainstream cinema and institutionalised
> avant-garde film,
> Subversion is set to become an essential text for
> all independent and
> guerrilla filmmakers.
> Duncan Reekie is a filmmaker, performer and
> underground cinema
> activist, and a founder member of the Exploding
> Cinema Collective, a
> radical open-access screening group.
> reviews
> ‘Underground film is a messy business and few
> writers have attempted
> histories; those who have tend to toe the line and
> respect the
> classic avant-garde at the expense of the loud,
> exciting, vivid,
> unruly and sexy underground. Enter Duncan Reekie who
> has produced a
> gleefully anarchic and rightly biased schizo-history
> that examines
> not just the filmmakers but crucially also considers
> the
> dissemination of the work and the responses of
> audiences galvanised
> by a cinema that embraces
> everything from radical structuralism to mysticism,
> revolutionary
> politics to pop culture, and from auteurism to
> collectivism. An
> established filmmaker and part of the legendary
> Exploding Cinema
> collective, Reekie is not afraid to demand that
> underground film is
> seen as the revolutionary form it always was.’
> – Jack Sargeant, author of Deathtripping and Naked
> Lens
> ‘A must for makers, critics and lovers of
> underground film ... a book
> written with in-depth knowledge of filmmaking, film
> criticism and
> exhibition practices in this vital but
> unconventional realm of
> moviemaking. This authoritative volume takes a
> broad-ranging but
> accessible approach to the celluloid underground
> that combines
> consideration of its trash and transgressive, pulp
> and political,
> comic and countercultural influences, as well as
> profiling all the
> key movements from documentary, free cinema,
> structural film, digital
> practices and beyond.’
> – Xavier Mendik, Director of the Cult Film Archive,
> Brunel University
> 'Duncan Reekie’s book, Subversion: The Definitive
> History of
> Underground Cinema, sheds light upon the world of
> underground film,
> exploring the movement as far back as the Bohemian
> cabaret of the
> late nineteenth century and with an especially
> strong emphasis on the
> avant-garde cinema of 1920s Paris and the
> counterculture explosion of
> the 1960s. Reekie delves deep into a subject matter
> that many
> independent filmmakers choose to ignore.'
> Filmmaker Magazine, 2007
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
> >
> On 16 Oct 2007, at 19:39, Freya wrote:
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.