Re: La Jetee

From: Charles Woodard (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Sep 06 2007 - 10:54:36 PDT

I first saw it in a film studies class in college. I remember being struck
by it and wanting to see it again. It was on youtube for a while, but now
with the DVD I can watch it as much as I want. Bonus too since Sans Soleil
is coupled with it.

> I'm curious where people first encountered La Jetee. For some reason I saw
> it over and over again on 16mm in Jr. High and High School classes during
> the late 70's - in Antioch, CA, even, where it was definitely not being
> shown out of any particular interest in the art of filmmaking. Students
> called it "that movie made of slides" but most everyone was happy to see
> it
> again when they'd roll the bell and howell in for a showing. I must have
> seen it 6 or 7 times by the time I graduated from high school.
> _______________________________________________________
> Brook Hinton
> film/video/audio art
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.