Re: S.O.Snow

From: Brett Kashmere (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 01 2007 - 08:57:18 PST

There were actually three volumes published for the
AGO retrospective. The others were

"Visual Art 1951-1993: The Michael Snow Project"
"Music/Sound 1948-1993: The Michael Snow Project"

The Michael Snow "Digital Snow" DVD-ROM, published by
the Fondation Daniel Langlois and the Centre
Georges-Pompidou has a pretty extensive bibliography
and many full-text articles.

Brett Kashmere
Syracuse NY

--- Fred Camper <email suppressed> wrote:

> In 1994 there was an excellent retrospective in
> Toronto of Snow's work
> in all media going back to the 1950s at the Art
> Gallery of Ontario and
> the Power Plant. They published a catalogue for his
> films and another
> for his art. Unfortunately I can't remember the
> title for the art book
> (the film one is "Presence and Absence") and a brief
> 'Net search didn't
> turn up anything but a longer search might, or even
> better contact the
> Art Gallery of Ontario directly, though you may have
> to write to several
> people. Or even better someone on FrameWorks might
> be able, unlike me,
> to find their copy of the catalogue and post the
> info.
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

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