exhaustion, the send key, and gender

From: Montgomery, Jennifer R. (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Jun 24 2006 - 11:44:49 PDT

dear all,
i made an eggregious error by mistakenly sending to all of frameworks an
email that was intended only for patrick friel and my fellow judges. i
have tried to post a notice to this effect on frameworks several times
since then, but it keeps saying i am posting something too similar to a
previous post. so in as changed wording as possible, that email with our
judge's statement was something we were leaving up to patrick to decide
where and when to post.
that's not to say that i don't agree with our statement. but neither do i
disagree that patrick friel has done an excellent job building onion city
into a great venue for experimental film and video. and i believe all of
us judges understood that in past years there has been a more equal
representation of women. but just because patrick's doing a good job, and
because there is an iota of equity on the broad, depressing horizon of
filmmaking in this world, doesn't mean responsible parties shouldn't
continue to address moments in inequality. that's all we judges were
i'm gonna go now and try and make a movie, as a woman, as a member of the
body politic, as an exhausted person, and as a small-time feminist freak
in a big-time industry.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.