Re: FREE film/footage

From: charles chadwick (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 23 2006 - 20:48:03 PST

Whoops, wrong email address... oh well, now everyone
know's a little bit more about me.


--- "k. a.r." <email suppressed> wrote:

> hey there peeps.
> I have a box of bits of 16mm color "found" footage
> that I have to get rid
> of. It is 4-6 different films, cut into 50-200 foot
> chunks. Since I
> "found" this on ebay, I don't know why all the cores
> have been removed.
> I thought I was going to make a film out of it.....
> but I'm not.
> I spent something like 35 dollars on this, and you
> can have it for
> NOTHING!!!! It is probably about 20-30 pounds of
> film.
> here are the catches:
> you have to come and get it, in san francisco. in
> the mission. at my
> convenience.
> I will not ship, sorry. (unless you want to pay a
> lot for that service)
> here are the bonuses:
> I have sorted out the bits, and even reedited one
> group back together in
> some random order. it is a reel about 1000 feet
> long.
> IT'S FREE!!!!!!!!!
> so if you are interested, e me, ok?
> until then, take care everybody.
> Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
> Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
> Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural
> Project
> The Mission, San Francisco, CA
> 415-863-1154
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.