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New Film/Video: featureTerrormisu! Location: London UK Contact (be sure to replace [at] with @) : Angel Rose , mynameisangelrose [at]
Terrormisu! is the latest creation of artist Angel Rose and filmmaker Josh Quinton, a pair who's stylistic sensibilities lurk in the land where alternative underground meets fantastical pop.
Terrormisu! is a vision of glamour from beyond the grave, a bubbling cauldron of fashion, horror, kitsch and comedy. Basing its roots in the debauched dark hours of the London club scene, this short film adds new meaning to the term "night life."
Terrormisu! features an all-star cast of clubland personalities from past till present. Not only does the film star London’s current creatures of the night, but also, a few living legends of the Blitz era; a cross-generational nod to the scene that started it all. Adorned with surreal creations from Carianne Moore and milliner Mich Dulce, we witness this cast of creeps collectively summon “The Spirit” (played by Daniel Lismore) to the table. Thus we are served a perfect metaphor that echoes the ethos of the film: celebration of a community that embraces the creative spirit.
Terrormisu was premiered April 27th 2012 at The Last Tuesday Society in London.
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