Cleopatra Burst
2016 I Austria I digital video I color I sound I 4:35 minutes
by Dina Yanni
Cleopatra Burst appropriates 11 “Cleopatra movies” and compresses each film to 24 seconds. By progressively organizing the films based on their original frame count, the speed seems to accelerate and the movement becomes increasingly rapid as more and more images are omitted. Embedded in comedy, epic historical Technicolor movies, Blaxploitation, Sexploitation and Anime, we see the Cleopatra icon as well as the environment associated with it shifting to and fro between stereotype, fetishization, and counternarrative. Cleopatra Burst channels the Cleopatra icon’s affinity with film and accumulates different coded messages about the (post)colonial “Orient”, gender, race, and the contested norms of aesthetics. Audio mixed from LFO’s “Freak” links the visual overstimulation to the performance of “otherness” and yet its conflicts over ownership, appropriation and reinvention.