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New Film/Video: non-featureSHIPYARD Location: Lodz Contact (be sure to replace [at] with @) : michal, michal [at]
subjective postindustrial vision of the space connected with the very strong historical context. its based on interlace and the best can be seen on the old tv displayed directly from dv tape.
I think in art the most interesting subject was allways question to try express something what can't be present in matter of expression. Emotions in writings, movement in sculpture, 3d in painting etc. If we can find many relations between photography or cinema and expression of movement (time) there is almost not present at all dealing with the 3d space. Art history can miss something then because we are going very fast into the 3d tv era, so then these questions can be too banal! So it is the last moment to find artworks that could be continuation of the basic ideas of cubism in the video art. To deal with 3d space i have used the interlace - technical arifacts that are connected with the old tv screens, and PAL standard, based on cathode in the age of lcd and plasma screens! Interlace together with the distortion of the image creates illusion of 3d in the old style TV. If we look back on the art context the screen in art installations was allways part of the space but the content of the image was allways flat. Even if any video was based on 3d also then the final effect was point of view for the 2d camera! So i was trying to express emotional, 3d landscape of the shipyard seen through the fluids of memory, and portrait of the noise of these fluids in the brain and blood in the veins. We are the moist media!
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