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16mm mag film | San Francisco, CA, USA | Alfred IEA open call for 2020 Artists in residence | Alfred, NY | Experimental Video Course | San Francisco, CA 94610 | Experimental filmmaker harrassed by federal authorities | New York USA | Hand Processing Resources | New York, NY, USA | Intensive Non-Fiction and Narrative Film Workshops | Wichita, KS USA | Looking for authentic Borbetomagus footage | Belgium | MAMC, City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | MFACM, City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Magmart search videoart curators | Naples, Italy | Petition for Lawrence Brose | Buffalo, NY, USA | Photo Workshops VENICE | Venice, Italy | REVIEWER FOR FILM INTERNATIONAL SEEKS EXPERIMENTAL FILM AND VIDEO | online magazine | Share Work Space for Rent | New York City | Sight Unseen Fundraising Initiative | Baltimore, MD, USA | The Avant-Garde Film and Video Blog is Now Open! | Miami, FL, USA | Underground Film Blog | Australia | Wavelengths ticket packages on sale now | Toronto, Ontario Canada | Workshops in Print Media, Video Arts and Sound Arts | Alfred, NY, USA | cast/crew | Kokomo,IN USA | searching to use/rent: 2 Eiki (or ELM) SSL or SL 16mm film projectors with 50mm lenses | Belgium |
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